Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Grocery Shopping!

So...I got new kimono!

This year is supposed to be all about the "Healthy Aesthetic," which means I need to look nice and healthy (and get rid of some of the clutter and organize my space, 'cause that's healthy, too!). To that end, I decided that for every 5lbs I lose, I get to reward myself with a new kimono!

I've hit two of those milestones so far, and creeping up on the 15 lb reward, so I ordered a few kimono from Shinei a few days ago, and they came today! I picked out two that I can wear now, and decided to do some kitsuke practice. Just after I finished getting dressed, my BFF decided that he was taking me out to do our grocery shopping today--in kimono! Haha!

 Yep, it's Wal-Mart. We do most of our shopping at Costco, but for a few things, we hit up Voldymart. I just can't use bulk sizes of salsa and buttermilk fast enough, y'know?

The little cutie up there is my four year old. She's a dear and reaaaaaaaally wants Mommy to make her a kimono so we can go out wearing them together, haha!

When we got home, it was time for the bedtime ritual, which includes the before-bed story (the really funny part was where she found a rubber duck in a tree...HILARIOUS to 4 yo, let me tell you!):

 And then we snapped a few shots of my by-then very rumply kitsuke. My otaiko is doing all kinds of weird things, and my sarashi was creeping downward, so I felt kind of lumpy and bumpy...I also wasn't wearing makeup and took pictures in my study with its horrible lighting, so...Excuses!

 I did my obiage Lyuba-chan style, and I chose the green obi so I could toss this up on the Yipes!Stripes challenge. Otherwise, I would have chosen a different obi. Possibly the one I'll wear NEXT TIME!

How often do you wear your kimono out of the house for mundane outings? Things like going grocery shopping or to the library, or just out for an ice cream cone?

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